MRC Business

Behar Panel Celebrates First Year of Tea Parties with Racist and Violent Labels

Stephanie Miller insists 'a lot' of tea party movement exists 'because there's a black guy in the White House'; Margaret Carlson ties them to terrorism.

Dear WTOP: 'Swipe Fees' Don't Rip off Consumers

Despite economist's assertion, building in costs like transaction fees to a price is not wrong.

George Soros Declares a 'Bankruptcy' of Free-Market Capitalism

Left-wing financier tells CNN Obama should have nationalized the banks.

Warren Buffett Give Obama 'High Marks,' Mocks Palin in CNBC Interview

Billionaire investor applauds White House's Keynesian approach to the down economy.

CNN Repeats Lie, Fails to Contradict Guest on 47 Million 'Uninsured Americans'

'American Morning' continues media misuse of uninsured statistics to promote need for health care 'reform.'

NBC News: Oh Canada, We See So Many Upsides in Your Single-Payer Health Care

'Nightly News' finds time on broadcast to praise the benefits of the Canadian health care system while in Vancouver for Olympics.

CNN Exposes 'Lavish' Government Pensions despite Economic Crisis

While many Americans struggle simply to reach retirement, 'Broken Government' illustrates Congressional members' 'generous' pensions.

FNC Medical Contributor Warns Higher Premiums, Cuts in Service with Political Health Care Reform

Mark Siegel explains how big government with the ideas and proposals by both Democrats and Republicans will make things worse.

CNN Wants 'Fix' from the 'Broken Government' for Hungry Children

Segment criticizes accumulation of wealth, promotes health care 'reform' and government food programs.

Pitchfork Populism: ABC Takes Aim at WellPoint on Eve of ObamaCare Summit

'World News' attacks insurer for profits and company retreats the night before so-called bipartisan White House health care meeting.
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