MRC Business

Media Ignore Contradiction between Obama's Middle Class Giveaways, Spending 'Freeze'

With State of the Union address imminent, the press downplays costs, finds little economic criticism of proposals designed to recapture middle class support.

Cramer Rips Obama's 'Lurch Toward Populism'

'Mad Money' host says president's 'anti-shareholder rampage' riskiest time for investors since Carter administration.

CNBC's Santelli Reacts to NYTimes Label of Tea Party 'Heroes and Inspiration'

Story about the GOP taming 'Tea Party Tiger' contrasts Santelli to former Louisiana governor and noted populist Huey Long.

CBS's Reid Calls Obama's Populism 'More Like Politics than a Real Plan'

Network's White House correspondent says White House doesn't realize market ramifications of beating up on Wall Street.

CNBC's Harwood Claims Public Doesn't Know Enough about Obamacare

Washington correspondent makes case for health care reform despite Brown victory; 'Squawk Box; co-hosts Kernen, Quick refute claim.

CNN's Romans Includes Criticism of 'Anti-Business' Obama

Business correspondent connects the dots between Dow drop and Obama's proposed bank rules.

Fox News' Wallace on White House's Effort to Spin Brown Victory: 'I Have to Laugh'

'Fox News Sunday' host criticizes Obama administration for not owning up to failed economic and domestic policies.

Fox Biz Host: Obama's Losing Ally Warren Buffett

Billionaire says purpose of president's bank tax to 'punish people.'

Liberal Evangelical Christian Calls Bank Bonuses 'Sins of Biblical Proportions'

On 'Morning Joe,' Rev. Jim Wallis, Sojourners magazine editor, promotes book and blames economic problems on 'erosion of societal values.'
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