MRC Business

'Cash for Clunkers' Bill a Clunker after All

Business Week points out shortcomings that other journalists overlook.

Network Reporting All Wet on Bottled H2O

ABC, CBS, NBC continue bashing bottled water industry.

Energy Expert: Oil to $20 a Barrel

Respected energy economist Philip Verleger makes case that oil will fall to levels not seen in over a decade.

Obama's Climate of Fear

Real businesspeople are really afraid of what the president is doing to free enterprise.

Conservatives, let this be our Waterloo

It's time the right teaches Obama his victory was short-lived.

Media Help Obama Gear Up for 'Stimulus, The Sequel'

It's beginning to sound like February, as political rhetoric and journalistic support suggest momentum for more spending.

'Nightly News' Praises Putin's Business Bullying

NBC segment calls former Russian president turned prime minister's intervention in private businesses 'combating Russia's deep recession hand-to-hand.'

'World News' Uses Excessive Example to Impugn Restaurant Food as Unhealthy

ABC reporter consumes 6,190 calorie/187 grams of saturated fat to prove nothing.

Vermont Senator: Health Insurance Firms Should Be 'Afraid' of Government

Sen. Bernie Sanders launches attack on healthcare industry, and admits companies should fear prospect of 'a strong Medicare-type public plan.'
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