MRC Business

How Many Jobs Saved? Economist Discredits Obama's Predictions

Economist Ben Stein disses econometrics; reminds 'we don't know a great deal' about how economy will respond to stimulus.

CBS Anti-Tax Haven Segment Omits Reason for Their Purpose: High U.S. Taxes

An 'Evening News' in-depth look at tax shelters ignores that punitive U.S. taxes forces these operations offshore to conduct business in those locations.

Washington Post Misses Irony of Showing Climate Change as a Roulette Wheel

Another biased story about another alarmist warming 'model.'

Santelli: Get the Government Out of the Banking System

Now-famous Chicago exchange floor reporter says state intervention in banking system is a drag on taxpayer money.

Clyburn: Stimulus Refusal 'A Slap in the Face' to Blacks, Even if Unintentional

House Majority Whip alleges 'a colored thread that ran through' the governors refusing stimulus money.

Senator to Force Vote on Bill Banning Fairness Doctrine

Sen. Jim DeMint plans to introduce amendment on D.C. Voting Rights bill to prevent FCC from censoring talk radio.

CNBC's Santelli Explains His Anti-Obamanomics Call for Revolt

Biz channel's Chicago Mercantile reporter claims the economy would run more efficiently if deserving are 'stimulated' versus a housing bailout for the irresponsible.

Dear Wash. Post: 'Lord of Finance' Review Ignores Fact

British return to gold standard caused hardship because the price was set too low.

Dear CBS Radio: It Isn't Voluntary When Threats are Involved

Dept. of Agriculture country-of-origin labeling wouldn't actually be a choice.

Obama's Lunch Money Tax Break Hurts Those in Pricey Areas

President tries penny-ante plan to placate progressives.
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