MRC Business

CBS Passes Off Coal Critic as Dispassionate Expert

Schieffers guest Jeff Goodell frequently blasts coal companies

Media Mantra: Unhappy Holidays

Pessimism about holiday sales went right through Christmas this year.

Fear and Loathing in Business News

Journalism should not be a man-made disaster.

Media Mantra: Unhappy Holidays

CBS Conjures Recession Specter in New Years Newscast

Wall Street Journal and Reuters note economists consensus on continued growth.

NBC Glosses over Strong 2005 Job Growth

CNNs Serwer and Foxs Goler report latest jobs report in depth

A Flood of Incomplete Insurance Coverage

As the media point out that hurricane victims insurance coverage is lacking, news coverage also lacks some key points.

Lou Dobbs Lobbies for Unions to Bring Home the Bacon

CNN bashes big business with union spokesman, ignoring the truth about wages and workers in the Katrina reconstruction.

Why Not Global Warming?

Plenty of experts have said theres no evidence global warming caused Katrina, but the media continue to ask the same question.

Cartoon Pyramids, Computer Games and School Lunches

Media continue push for government intervention to make kids eat healthier.
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