MRC Business

Media Research Center

‘American Atlantis’: Rolling Stone Imagines End of Miami Due to Climate Change

Contributing editor uses outlandish predictions to say ‘Goodbye Miami’ from 24-foot storm surge.
Media Research Center

Big Fracking Deal

Media Research Center

Gasland Part II: Same Misleading Images, New Conspiracy Theory

Josh Fox’s follow up retreads old claims, but adds new level of spin.
Media Research Center

Washington Post Profiles ‘Outlaw’ Raisin Farmer Fighting to End the U.S. Raisin Reserve

 Paper highlights problem of government intervention about outdated law stealing from farmers.
Media Research Center

Half of Fracking Stories Rely on Hollywood Hit Jobs

News reports give platform to artists, celebs and anti-drilling documentaries in 50 percent of reports.
Media Research Center

Forbes List Shows Liberals Dominate Influential Media Spots By 9-to-1

‘Celebrity 100’ reveals strength of left across news, entertainment.
Media Research Center

Pelosi On Affordable Care Act: ‘Captures the Spirit of our Founders’

Pelosi praises Obamacare while new poll shows most Americans disapprove. 
Media Research Center

The New Coal Country

Media Research Center

Opposition Barely Mentioned Night of Obama’s Global Warming Speech

President announces ‘sweeping’ plan that would punish power plants, but hardly a hint of criticism on networks.
Media Research Center

New York Times Misleads Readers to Bash Tuna Industry

Times claimed ‘no factual errors’ in factually inaccurate Mark Bittman blog.
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