MRC Business

Media Research Center

10 Achievements America Accomplished Without the Federal Income Tax

From steam engines to Louisiana Purchase, U.S. got quite a bit done without massive revenue hike.
Media Research Center

Seven Millionaire Journalists who Cheer For Higher Taxes

100 years after the income tax liberal anchors still support tax increases.
Media Research Center

New Al Gore Book, Same Climate Apocalypse

In his latest, former VP describes Al Jazeera as ‘feisty and relatively independent.’
Media Research Center

Networks Ignore $14-Trillion Global ‘Greening’ Plan

Annual meeting of the World Economic Forum not mentioned on evening, morning news.
Media Research Center

Stimulating the Economy

Media Research Center

Matt Damon Anti-Fracking Movie Flops at Box Office

Oil-nation-funded film villainizing natural gas industry earns half what it cost to make.
Media Research Center

Math is Hard: Al Jazeera Reports $20 Per Person Could End Poverty

Publishes ridiculous study which works out to $20 per person to end world poverty.
Media Research Center

DiCaprio Claims ‘Normal Person Does Not Drive More’ Than 31 Miles a Day

Actor tells German news outlet he will focus on environment.
Media Research Center

Food Police Group Bashes Restaurants, CBS Eats it Up

Network website runs CSPI report including accusation and calls for regulation.
Media Research Center


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