MRC Business

Media Research Center

Liberal Journalists, Lefty Economists Created Occupy Wall Street Mantra

99 vs. 1 percent theme stems from class warfare messaging of lefties, repeated by media outlets including New York Times, PBS and Vanity Fair.
Media Research Center

Media Have Made Traditional Values the Counterculture

Heroism, decency and faith have given way to hedonism thanks to movies, TV.
Media Research Center

In Entitlements, We See Evil on the March

No matter how well-meaning, collectivism is inherently destructive.

Too Easy Being Green: Muppet Villain an Oil Tycoon

Kids flick continues Hollywood's streak of bashing oil companies, businessmen.
Media Research Center

Just in Time for Thanksgiving, Media Hypes BPA Scare in Canned Food

ABC, NBC reports hype threat of exposure of BPA in canned food, uses left wing reports
Media Research Center

This Thanksgiving, Media Still Stuffed with Food Police Message

Media outlets maintain tradition with anti-obesity reporting heavy on calls for food regulation, taxation, with a side of shaming the overweight.
Media Research Center

Time to Give Thanks for Our Police for Coping with Occupiers

Despite Occupy Wall Street attacks and media abuse, men and women in blue keep us safe.
Media Research Center

All Accusers Are Not (Treated as) Equal

Cain, Clinton and double standards in an age of moral bankruptcy.
Media Research Center

Hey Obama: Gas Up and Go

Media spin high prices and largely ignore warnings of $4.50 a gallon in 2012.
Media Research Center

Media Pump Up Obama Despite High Gas Prices, Hype Dropping Prices

Meanwhile, per gallon prices still 60 cents higher than last year, $1.56 higher than when Obama took office.
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