MRC Business

UN Claims Going Green to Cost $76 Trillion

New survey calls for global governance and possible national energy caps.

Continuing To Fiddle While Rome Burns

Spending money that doesn't exist on programs that shouldn't exist.

America to Military: Thank You for Your Sacrifice

July 4 is a good time to show appreciation to men and women who risk everything for us.

'Mad Money' Jim Cramer Blasts Times Reporter for Natural Gas 'Hit Pieces'

CNBC host and natural gas CEO criticize New York Times' Ian Urbina for series of attacks on the industry.

Another Season of Anti-Whaling Propaganda on Animal Planet

'Whale Wars' glorifies aggressive tactics of radical environmentalist Paul Watson, Sea Shepherds.

Media Leave Out Economists from Stories on Debt Crisis 'Calamity'

In two weeks of news reports, only two economists were included by broadcast networks.

Don't Worry Snookie, Government's Looking Out for You

While Rome burns, Obama's bureaucrats fiddle with sun screen.

ABC: Supreme Court Decision Gives Wal-Mart Ability to 'Crush' Women 'One at a Time'

'World News' slants report against retailer with voices 4-to-1 against court ruling in class-action gender discrimination lawsuit.

Media Declare Huntsman GOP's Obama (Too Bad They Prefer the Real Thing)

Battle of businessmen shows journalists desperately want Republicans to turn left.
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