
Bottled Water Ban Not Enough

CNN focuses on Greenpeace response to rule that cans bottles in name of global warming. [correction appended]

Enough Gushing over Moore to Make You 'Sicko'

Media use Michael Moore's new film to fuel campaign for socialized health care in America.

'Today' Demonizes Student Loan Companies for Alleged 'Schemes'

As Congress faces loan legislation, NBC show uses horror music and generalizations to frighten viewers.

Review: 'SiCKO' Doesn't Offer Cure-All for Health Care

Michael Moore offers a lot of criticism for American health care, but his solution is taxing on viewers, citizens.

Fortune Portrays Hillary Clinton as Corporate Sweetheart

Easton uses list of rich liberal donors to substantiate claim corporate America is betting on Clinton.

ABC Uses Fire Tragedy to Push More Government Regulation

After nine firefighters lost their lives, network promotes mandatory sprinklers, low-balls cost.

'Good Morning America' Gives New Meaning to 'Going Dutch'

Study blames American health care system and diet for loss in national average height.

ABC News Promotes Radical Expansion of Government Entitlement

'World News' makes the case for an aggressive expansion of SCHIP with exploitation of family hardships.

Media Exaggerate Student Loan 'Crisis'

Following liberal attorney general's lead, journalists portray lenders as malicious source of students' debt woes.

CNN Tells One Side of BENGAY-Related Tragedy

Mother blames manufacturer and calls for regulation, but other reports mention warning signs and other contributing factors.
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