
Pelosi: San Fran 'Mischaracterized' by Right as 'Out of Mainstream'

House Speaker claims 'exploiters' villainize city because they don't want to nation to follow lead in 'living wage,' health care and environmental 'value.'

House Majority Whip: Climate Change Hurts Blacks More

Clyburn says African-Americans 'disproportionately impacted'; study recommends 'fee, tax or allowance auction on polluters.'

The Media Fix Is In on Key Gay Issues

A columnist smears a witness testifying against permitting open homosexuals in the military, and the media ignore a California official abusing her office to advance same-sex marriage.

ABC Sensationalizes Qantas Incident

'Good Morning America' reports plane 'instantly plummeted' and passengers had 'no idea what was happening.'

CNN Host: Obama's Anti-Free Trade Position 'Does Not Go Down Well' with Europe

Christiane Amanpour says senator's position is at odds with European officials that want 'globalization.'

Stern on XM/Sirius Merger: 'I Will Never Vote For a Democrat Again'

Satellite radio talk show star cites 'gangsterism,' 'communism' for holding up deal.

Networks on Overblown Tomato Scare: Oops!

Morning shows acknowledge damage to tomato industry but set sights on new target.

Mad About Maddow - Times Pumps Up Another Left-Wing Media Woman

Who needs an agent when you have the NYT? Another left-wing Air America alum gets the star treatment, courtesy of reporter Jacques Steinberg.

Energy Expert: Poverty Stricken Don't 'Give a Damn' About Warming

Left-wing conference hears that without prosperity people won't try to fix climate; promotes government mandate for flex-fuel cars.
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