
Media Research Center

Leader of Soros-Founded INET: Rich are Ready to Flee in Case of Uprising

Soros gave $100 million to INET, used it to host a conference to remake the global economy.
Media Research Center

At Davos, Soros-funded Group’s President Says Look to Bretton Woods for Economic Advice

New America Foundation foundation promotes initiative with same name as earlier Soros conference
Media Research Center

Media Hype Davos Climate Change Focus as 1,700 Private Jets Fly In

Hypocrisy of flying to climate change conference in private jets is lost on the media.
Media Research Center

Networks Ignore $14-Trillion Global ‘Greening’ Plan

Annual meeting of the World Economic Forum not mentioned on evening, morning news.

Alleged 'News' Headline Pits 'Have-Lots vs. the Have-Nots'

Eric Pfanner exudes leftist sensibilities in his report from the World Economic Forum in Davos: "...a new wave of anger was welling up, one that, over the last year, would shake up old assumptions ...
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