Bozell's Column

Founder and President of the Media Research Center, L. Brent Bozell III runs the largest media watchdog organization in America. Established in 1987, the MRC has made “media bias” a household term, tracking it and printing the compiled evidence daily. Mr. Bozell is a nationally syndicated writer to more than 50 newspapers around the country, whose work appears in publications such as Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, The Washington Times, The New York Post, The L.A. Times and National Review.

Obama's Balloon Hits the Dirt

The media insist that voters have not rejected big-government liberalism, just the less-than-idealistic negotiating tactics that lead to big-government liberalism. They're still in denial.

Oscars Tilt Toward the Mainstream

The 2010 Oscar nominations clearly signal that Hollywood is trying to return to a broader vision of the Oscars, as something more than an insular critics' circle that likes only the ...

A New Abortion Scandal

To their credit, liberal newspapers worked very hard to expose child sexual abuse in the Catholic Church. But they don't find it scandalous when Catholics in the pews are shocked they've donated ...

Tim Tebow Takes a Stand

A college football star's Super Bowl ad - an ultra-positive story celebrating a mother who kept her baby - has spurred urgent censorship demands from the left.

The "Ellie Light" Scandal

A person named "Ellie Light" successfully placed a pro-Obama letter in at least 68 newspapers using fake local addresses. These papers were caught with their ethical pants down.

VH1 on Virginity: Cynicism and Censorship

When VH1 aired a special on "The New Virginity," abstinence backers may have been hopeful. But VH1 left a wonderful advocate for chastity on the cutting room floor. She was too good.

The Meanness of Martha Coakley

The networks didn't highlight it, but here's what should not be forgotten about the Massachusetts Senate race: the sheer meanness of Martha Coakley and her campaign character assassins.

Europe's Decadent Education

Lithuania's parliament voted to protect grade-school children from the promotion of drugs, violence, and "sexual orientation" education. Western Europe's bureaucrats and "human rights" lobbyists ...

The Media's Democrat Dialect

Two liberal-media writers gave Democrats headaches in a new campaign book reporting on racial remarks by Bill Clinton and Harry Reid. But the most shameless outfit was "60 Minutes," which only ...

The Soul of Tiger Woods

Brit Hume offering Christianity to Tiger Woods was denounced as rude. The sudden arrival of these punctilious Emily Posts of religious discussion is strangest because Christianity is so routinely ...
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