
Post Business Columnist Wishes for Economic 'Burn'

Steven Pearlstein exemplifies media desire for economic hardships and 'harsh and vengeful solution.'

Missing: Media Criticism of OPEC

After oil spikes above $100 a barrel, condemnation of OPEC's decision to put less oil on the market nowhere to be found.

Networks Forget Raul Castro's 'Economic Reforms' Include Drug Running

ABC says younger Castro could bring changes to Cuba even though they reported he was 'head of a major cocaine smuggling conspiracy' in 1990s.

Oops! CBS Warns of Rough Day for Stocks, but Dow up Big

'Early Show' forecast of 'rough morning' for U.S. markets turns into a gain of 176 points.

CNBC's Burnett Says Low January Jobs Number 'Misunderstood'

'Street Signs' anchor tells viewers the Labor Department's 'businesses dying estimate' always happens in January.

BusinessWeek Champions Case Against Free Trade

Article highlights all the reasons to oppose globalization in America.

Ex-Clinton Adviser Gergen: Economic Stimulus May Be 'Far Too Little'

Gergen appears on CNN following SOTU address to criticize Bush's grasp of the economy and stimulus proposal.

Couric Calls CBS Business Reporter Mason the 'Grim Reaper'

'Evening News' business correspondent so rarely finds anything good to say about the U.S. economy that even anchor notices. Editor-in-Chief's Diagnosis: Bush Has a Learning Disability

Former Newsweek reporter doesn't;accept the idea that we invaded Iraq to secure supplies of oil.'

CNBC Blasts Greenspan for 'Greed' of Post-Fed Career

Report says former Fed chairman 'is acting incorrectly' for taking role at hedge fund.
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