
'The Early Show' Attacks Hollywood for Shying Away from Female Leads

Warner Bros. executive denies sexist remarks, even though there is empirical evidence to support his position.

The Dangers of Those Energy-Saving Light Bulbs

Energy-saving device advocated by Al Gore to 'reduce your carbon impact at home' poses mercury dangers and health risks.

'GMA' Discourages Enforcement of Immigration Laws

Sawyer offers one-sided account that includes need for Mexican labor, emotional pleas and misleading information.

Journalist Conference Takes Left Turn on Climate Change

Professional organization that prides itself in its Code of Ethics hosts one-sided global warming session at its annual event.

So Much for the ABC 'Recession' Talk

Job numbers outdo predictions and revisions change August numbers from negative to positive.

Global Warming Hot Enough for CNN a Second Day

Meteorologist points out more flaws in Gore film 'An Inconvenient Truth.'

CNN Meteorologist: 'Definitely Some Inaccuracies' in Gore Film

Marciano applauds chance that 'Inconvenient Truth' might be banned in British schools.

If Government Is So Good, Let It Fix Journalism

Media show support for socialist solutions like Hillarycare, but few back similar involvement in news.

Clinton Laughs Off Health Care Criticism

Democratic presidential hopeful tells Sunday shows that business wants Hillarycare.

Night and Day: CBS, ABC Opposite on Fed Rate Cut

CBS mentions it, but spotlights poll negative about economy; ABC showcases upside.
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