
Media Still Using Wrong Number for Uninsured

New Census data shows increase in uninsured, yet no distinction made between Americans and non-citizens.

CBS News Does an About-Face on Home Prices

Lower housing prices bad for the economy; 14 months earlier higher housing prices were also bad for the economy.

Media's Favorite Coal Expert Picks at Industry

Liberal activist Jeff Goodell paraded by media outlets as objective industry expert.

CNN on Sub-Prime Mortgage Problems: Where is Personal Responsibility?

'Your $$$$$' has a new name, but keeps up the anti-business theme.

MSNBC Promotes 'My Bad Boss' Contest for AFL-CIO

Anchor says customers might get 'placenta' instead of pepperoni on their pizza because of evil employers.

CNN: Unsafe Sex, Pregnancy the Fault of Smaller Government

Network concerned that deficit reduction eliminated federally subsidized birth control for college students.

Network Look at Markets: 'Armageddon' or 'Nearly 3 Percent' Drop

NBC's Cramer continues his agenda, CBS provides the temperate voice.

MSNBC's 'Countdown' Parades Out Left-Wing, Anti-Coal Expert

Goodell, author of two books critical of mining industry, is the media's favorite new coal expert.

Media Criticism of Murdoch Almost Killed Wall Street Journal Bid

New York Post says attacks 'normally leveled at a genocidal tyrant' 'almost squashed the deal.'

'World News' Uses Debated Health Claim to Promote Breastfeeding

Industry spokeswoman disputes ABC report's claims that samples discourage breastfeeding.
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