
Networks Eat Up More Restaurant Mandates

ABC, CBS report left-wing group's press release.

Rich Man, Poor Man

The media complain about the 'problem' of income inequality and ignore two other perspectives.

Elementary, My Dear President

Not everyone makes the same amount of money, but that doesn't mean the government should act to abolish 'income inequality.'

ABC Reports New Autism Study Finds Genetics, Not Toxins, to Blame for Rise in Cases

But network failed to remind viewers it gave Robert Kennedy a soapbox about mercury as cause for disease.

Post Changes Its Tune on Sallie Mae Stock Sale

Reporter notes Democrats smell insider trading, but he left out facts he first reported four days earlier before congressional leaders called for investigation.

NY Times Insists Economy Isn't as Good as It Appears

Reporters rely on discredited housing bubble storyline, comparison to tech bubble of 1990s.

Time: On Global Warming, 'The Price of Inaction Will Be Enormous'

Magazine once again tries to tell readers that climate issue is settled.

CBS's Harry Smith: Is Al Gore a Prophet?

Reporter gives former vice president a worshipful interview, suggests Gore could have done more if he were elected president.

Philadelphia Inquirer Finds No Eatery Owners Complaining About Trans Fat Ban

Reporters cite restaurant owners as pro-regulation, but had ditched trans fats long before the new law passed.

'American Morning' on Yo-Yo Diet of Obesity Hype

Twice this week, the CNN show has scoffed at anti-sugar crusades as silly or over-the-top, a departure from its usual reporting on the 'obesity epidemic.'
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