
Networks Ignore President's Defense of Tax Cuts as Key to Economic Growth

ABC's Betsy Stark highlighted applause lines in Bush speech on income gap, CEO pay.

Health Care Face-Off

Media reveal preference for universal coverage in treatment of Schwarzenegger and Bush proposals.

Environmentalists, Post Embrace Some Dam Destruction

Article downplays lost of power for 70,000 people as the result of green mandate.

NY Times Reviewer Complains about Friedman Documentary on PBS

Reporter Ginia Bellafante puffs up Friedman rival who said Soviet economy was sounder as it was collapsing in the 1980s.

NY Times Slants Patent Protection Story Against Novartis

Reporter depicts court struggle as one pitting company against 'patients rights groups' instead of liberal activists.

ABC Runs on Fumes with Detroit Auto Story

Anchor Gibson fails to explain how labor unions are partly to blame for GM, Ford 'Running on Empty.'

CBS Obesity Story Heavy on Hype, Light On Substance

Reporter Thalia Assuras fails to inform audience of the limitations of body mass index in diagnosing, treating childhood obesity.

AP, NY Times Lament Low Union Participation

Reporters highlight concern about 'intimidation,' leave out possibility that unions work against employees' self interest.

Wash. Post Shows Balance in Climate Debate As Inconvenient Hassle For Science Teacher

Reporter Blaine Harden leaves out any critics of Al Gore's Oscar-nominated film.

Econ 101: How to Reduce Gas Consumption

Government intervention in energy markets leads to inefficiency, even when 'energy security' is the goal.
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