
Networks Link Economy to Depression/Recession; No Wonder We're Depressed

The 2006 collapse never came, so now journalists are looking to 2007 to make their gloomy predictions look smart.

USA Today Finds Negative Slant to Falling Gas Prices

Reporter Hagenbaugh fails to tell readers that 'consumer rights' watchdog is liberal, conspiracy theorist.

NY Times to Marriage: Drop Dead

The New York Times celebrates women's "liberation" from dependence on men and the institution of marriage.

Network Silence Greets Announcement of Chavez's Hostile Oil Industry Takeover

Media continue to ignore or downplay significance of socialist Chavez's control of oil reserves.

CNN's Sylvester Unfairly Presented, Quickly Dismissed Economist's Views on Medicare

'Lou Dobbs Tonight' reporter scoffed that 'common sense' trumped pharmaceutical economics expert's conclusions on Medicare 'negotiation.'

NBC's Williams Ignores Heavy Cost of $2.5-million 'Big Victory' for Katrina Victims

AP, NY Times report that case could encourage holdouts for hefty court rewards.

ABC Says 'Millions of Americans' Have Been 'Waiting' For Congress to Boost Their Pay

But fewer than 500,000 make minimum wage, and research shows two-thirds of workers earn more than the minimum within a year of starting their jobs.

Baby, It's Warm Outside

Unseasonable winter weather on the East Coast leads to media global warming frenzy.

Dobbs Takes Left Turn on Private Highway Investment

Reporter Lisa Sylvester selectively edited interview of free market advocate

Journalists Snow Public with Avalanche of Warming Reports

It's 'balmy,' it's golf weather and media claim 'it's the end of the world.'
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