
'Once and For All' Lasts Just 72 Hours

NBC does about-face on global warming after scientist tells anchor it's not responsible for balmy Northeast.

CNN's 'In the Money' Begins Year with Gloomy Predictions

Speculation covers oil prices, housing, unemployment.

ABC's Redeker Complains of Budget Cuts to Amtrak

Reporter leaves out critics of the subsidized system, where taxpayers foot the bill for travelers.

CBS's Winter of Discontent

Reporter Bowers gripes about warm temps, but as last winter set in, her network hyped energy prices in cold weather.

CBS News Complains of Lackluster Christmas Shopping Season

But strong growth in jobs, wages and Internet sales belies reporter's slant.

NBC, CNN Leave Out Hurricane Expert's View on Global Warming

Retiring NOAA meteorologist Max Mayfield doubts global warming is to blame for intense hurricane seasons.

ABC, NBC Use 'Golden Parachute' Story to Float Liberal Talking Points on Pay

Anchors Gibson, Williams ignore liberal congressman's crusade on 'pay gap.'

Democrats: There Is Such a Thing as Too Much Regulation

The media have missed a big story: Democratic politicians attacking Sarbanes-Oxley for punishing businesses and workers.

Journalists Agree It's Time for Democrats' 'First 100 Hours'

Media have long provided uncritical support of liberal agenda, from minimum wage hike to universal health care.

CBS's Alfonsi Shakes Up Audience with Drinking Survey

'Evening News' report an intoxicating mix of hype and anti-industry activists.
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