
CNN Business Reporter Says Minimum Wage 'Simply Not Fair'

'American Morning's' Ali Velshi pushes liberal talking points on minimum wage.

Networks Ignore Good Housing News

Warnings of bursting 'bubble,' 'recession' still define housing coverage.

It's My Buyout, I'll Cry If I Want To

AP story whines about turmoil's impact on Ford workers, despite $100k buyouts.

Christmas Shopping Season a 'Fizzle?'

An increase of 6.5 percent leaves networks unsatisfied.

New York Times Warns of 'Scant Progress' on Women's Pay

Leonhardt story leads with worst data, buries how pay gap has narrowed.

'Today' Show Gift: A Balanced Auto Story

Report should remind other media that not all car companies are going south this winter.

CNN Calls for Government Action on Rising Child Care Expenses

'Lou Dobbs Tonight' reporter gives no context for one family's day care costs.

They Say They Want a Revolution: Privately-Run Public Schools

But major media ignore or downplay some of commission's key recommendations for improved education in America.

Media Scrooges: 'Bah, Humbug' To Wall Street's Christmas Bonuses

Contrary to their present Grinchiness, the press were much merrier about this annual ritual in 1999.

ABC Left Out Union Ties of Merit-Based Pay Critic

Reporter Stone attributed Houston teacher's complaints to concern for curriculum.
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