
Small Cars: From Nice to Naughty List?

CBS warns of dangers, but in June, reporter Blackstone complained a 'bigger is better' attitude was hurting small car sales.

CNN's 'In The Money' Laments 'Soaring' College Costs with Extreme Example

Segment complains of lower grants, using one school's 18-percent tuition hike as a benchmark.

Baltimore Sun Leaves Terrorism out of Nigerian Oil Violence

Foreign reporter Scott Calvert avoided 'terrorist' label for car-bombing, hostage-taking insurgency.

When Should Information Not Be Free?

'Open access' plan in Congress would create another governmental boondoggle.

CBS Reporter Takes Swipe at Drug Industry, Praises Politician in Blog Post

Armen Keteyian lamented 'Big Pharma's' 'control' over Americans.

'Evening News' Milked Tragedies to Scare Viewers on Depression Drugs

NBC, ABC gave viewers a more balanced, less emotionally-charged look at a new FDA warning label on suicide risks for young people.

Morning Shows Hype Need for a 'Federal Standard' on Rollovers

CBS's Orr lets go unchallenged the suggestion that auto industry cares more about bottom line than passenger safety.

NY Times: Everybody Loves Energy Regulation

Paper presents taxes, government regulation as only options, necessary curbs on global warming.

'Evening News' Turns to Brit to Lecture Americans on Gas Prices

But columnist from across the Pond leaves out heavy taxes his countrymen pay for petrol.

'In the Money' Airs Conflict Diamond Hit Piece on De Beers

CNN's Ali Velshi downplays diamond industry's benefits to Africa in favor of smearing company.
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