
Times Blinded By Hazy View of Reality

Dramatically cleaner air downplayed in a story about threats to Clean Air Act because troubles remain.

Atkins Bankruptcy Stories on Low-Substance Diet

Media focus on end to a craze, but wheres the beef about how business responded with healthy lifestyle foods?

Required Reading for the Tax Revolution

FairTax would free markets, individuals from income tax.

CBS Boosts Rocket Makers

Evening News does positive story about private businesses in the space race.

Media Downplay 25 Percent Tax Promoted By Democrats

Journalists fail to link think tank study with senators connected to group that researched it.

Media Criticize Union Insurgents

Networks, major newspapers lament departure of dissidents from AFL-CIO while pro-union voices dominate coverage.

NBC Weighs In Against Businesses

Network complains that companies discriminate based on appearance.

Labor Pains: None of Your Business

Business representatives nowhere to be found in CBS, AP coverage of AFL-CIO.

CBS Talks Down the Economy with Biased Reporting

Trish Regan ignores the numbers to criticize Greenspans 'rosy forecast'.

No Shortage of Errors in Deficit Coverage

Newspapers continue faulty approach to tax cuts.
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