
NY Times Helps American Students in Cuba Criticize America

According to reporter, medical students say American health care system too focused on 'bottom line,' U.S. trade 'blockade' frustrating.

CNN Special Pushes Liberal Health Care Agenda

Universal health care, one of the first action items for Democrats, pushed by Lou Dobbs.

CNN's Dobbs Assails 'Mindless' Manufacturing Advocate

Trade group VP responds slamming faulty logic, notes benefits of foreign insourcing.

Econ 101: Who Benefits from Boost in Student Grants?

'Round and 'round the taxpayer money goes ... and where it stops, nobody knows. Oh, and tuition will go up, too.

CBS Obesity Report Trims Opposing Views

'Evening News' story shorts personal responsibility and cost arguments.

Hurricane Hype Clouds Warming Debate

Despite wild weather predictions and warnings about global warming, media must watch quiet season blow by.

Unhealthy Bias in Implant Stories, Then and Now

Media return to complaints about silicone breast implants, despite FDA decision to end 14-year ban.

Warning! Retailers on the Holiday Prowl

USA Today takes stores to task for advertising toys to kids.

'NewsHour' Still Insists on Bursting Housing Bubble

Despite Realtors' upbeat forecasts, PBS worries economy headed toward a 'crash.'

The Inflation 'Monster' Under the Media's Bed

News reports warned of 'recession,' 'stagflation' as inflation 'reared its ugly head,' but drops in prices get little notice from networks.
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