
Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.

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Media Research Center

ABC on Chelsea Clinton's Pregnancy: 'Move Over, Prince George'; U.S. Has New 'Royal'

According to the liberal network journalists, being part of a Democratic family makes you "royalty." Reporters on ABC, CBS and NBC gushed over the announcement that Chelsea Clinton is pregnant. ...
Media Research Center

Not All Presidential Offspring Equal: Newscasts Which Ignored Bush Pregnancy Now Trumpet Chelsea Clinton’s

On Wednesday morning, December 12, 2012, Jenna Bush Hager Bush announced on NBC’s Today show that she was expecting. That evening, the NBC Nightly News allocated 33 seconds to the revelation ...
Media Research Center

Politico Reporter to Obama: Is it Time for Dems to Campaign 'Loudly' on ObamaCare? Will You 'Lead that Charge?'

At Thursday afternoon’s presidential press conference there were no questions about the latest IRS scandal developments or Benghazi, but the presser did give Politico’s Edward-Isaac Dovere a ...
Media Research Center

President's Publicity Machine: CBS Devotes Seven Minutes to Obama's 'Scary Powerful' Aide

After devoting 15 minutes to a Barack Obama interview in the last 24 hours, CBS piled on with another seven minutes devoted to a "scary powerful" top aide. Charlie Rose offered a puff piece on ...
Media Research Center

NBC Hosts Excited 'Very, Very Impressive' Chelsea Clinton Might Run for Office

At the top of the 9 a.m. ET hour on Thursday's NBC Today, co-host Natalie Morales seized on Chelsea Clinton answering a question she "gets asked all the time, just about every other day": "In ...
Media Research Center

Networks Ignore IRS Seeking Criminal Investigation of Tax-Exempt Groups; CNN Barely Reports

On Thursday morning's New Day, CNN reported the newest development in the IRS scandal that the broadcast networks ignored: the former IRS chief contacting the Justice Department about criminal ...
Media Research Center

Networks Amazed by Obama-Biden Selfie: 'They're Just Like Us!'

The network morning shows on Thursday were thrilled by Vice President Joe Biden joining Instagram on Wednesday and posting a selfie of himself with President Obama. On NBC's Today, co-host ...
Media Research Center

What the Networks Aren't Telling You About the Nevada Cattle Battle

The showdown between federal authorities and rancher Cliven Bundy is one of those rare topics from the libertarian-conservative news agenda that actually made its way into the establishment ...
Media Research Center

CBS Devotes 15 Minutes to Obama Interview: No IRS, Benghazi or Health Care

CBS News devoted 15 and a half minutes on Wednesday night and Thursday morning to an interview with Barack Obama. Despite April 15th having just passed, correspondent Major Garrett offered no ...
Media Research Center

Conan O'Brien Smears Pope Francis with Pedophile Joke

Conan O'Brien apparently couldn't resist making a pedophile priest joke on his TBS program on Wednesday, after Pope Francis took two school boys on a ride around St. Peter's Square during his ...
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