
Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.

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Media Research Center

MSNBC's Wolffe Derides 'Cheap' Insurance, 'What Is It Really Worth?'

On Wednesday's The Last Word on MSNBC, executive editor Richard Wolffe joined host Lawrence O'Donnell in exonerating President Obama from blame for the recent wave of health insurance ...
Media Research Center

NBC: 'As Bad as Things Are for the President, They're Still Worse for the Republicans'

While NBC political director Chuck Todd appeared on Thursday's Today to report on President Obama's approval rating hitting a "record low" in the latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll ...
Media Research Center

ABC and NBC Sympathize With Sebelius for 'Falling on Her Sword' Against 'Rude' Republicans

ABC and NBC journalists on Wednesday and Thursday hailed Kathleen Sebelius as "falling on her sword" and "taking responsibility" for the ObamaCare website debacle. On World News, reporter Jim ...
Media Research Center

CNN's Gupta on ObamaCare Dropping Millions from Health Plans: 'It Hasn't Been Explained Very Well'

CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta – who was once considered for President Obama's surgeon general – gave cover to President Obama Wednesday in explaining his broken promise that Americans could keep ...
Media Research Center

Washington Post's Milbank: GOPers 'Slashing the Tires' and 'Then Complaining'

On Tuesday's PoliticsNation on MSNBC, Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank joined host Al Sharpton in lambasting Republican Senators Mitch McConnell and Tom Coburn for attending a fund-raiser in ...
Media Research Center

Sharyl Attkisson: Insurance 'Death Spiral' Could Cause ObamaCare's 'Collapse'

Besides facing a "credibility death spiral" on the issue of ObamaCare, as political director John Dickerson recently put it, Sharyl Attkisson pointed out on Tuesday's CBS Evening News that the ...
Media Research Center

Amid ObamaCare Disaster, NBC's Todd Insists GOP 'Has No Interest in Governing'

While discussing the numerous ObamaCare failures on Wednesday's NBC Today, chief White House correspondent Chuck Todd felt it necessary to gratuitously bash Republicans: "And suddenly you have ...
Media Research Center

Chris Matthews Compares Ted Cruz to Cinematic Child Murderer 'Freddy Krueger'

Apparently, a lot of conservatives remind Chris Matthews of the scarred and burned child murderer from the Nightmare on Elm Street films. On Tuesday, the Hardball anchor linked Republican Ted Cruz ...
Media Research Center

John Dickerson: ' Launched With The...Success of a North Korean Missile'

John Dickerson didn't mince words about the "bad launch" of ObamaCare in his Tuesday item for The CBS News political director invoked one of deceased tyrant Kim Jong il's most infamous ...
Media Research Center

Charlie Rose to Cheney: Would You Have Seen Iraq Differently If You Had More Oxygen to Your Brain?

On Tuesday’s Charlie Rose show, former Vice President Dick Cheney came on to promote his new book about surviving heart disease and was treated to a nasty swipe from the host about his Iraq ...
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