
Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.

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Media Research Center

NBC Sympathizes With 'Chelsea' Manning, Asks if 'She' Will 'Force' Government to Pay for Sex Change

In an exclusive interview with Bradley Manning's attorney David Coombs on Thursday's NBC Today, co-host Savannah Guthrie read a "bombshell announcement" from the convicted military leaker: "I ...
Media Research Center

CNN Donates 42 Minutes to Puff Obama Interview: Hypes New Dog, But Not IRS Scandal

CNN's Chris Cuomo scored an exclusive interview with Barack Obama on Friday and donated a whopping 42 minutes of his three hour New Day program to playing (and replaying) the discussion with the ...
Media Research Center

Networks Seize on White House Scandal...From 40 Years Ago

While NBC, ABC, and CBS have censored coverage of the ongoing IRS scandal for weeks – even as new revelations have moved it higher up the rungs of the Obama administration – on Wednesday and ...
Media Research Center

CBS Spotlights UPS Cutting Benefits Due to ObamaCare; ABC, NBC Out To Lunch

CBS This Morning was the sole Big Three morning newscast on Thursday to report that delivery company UPS was cutting health insurance to 15,000 spouses of employees due to the rising costs related ...
Media Research Center

ABC, Which Didn't Identify Sleazy Mayor as a Democrat, Hits Scandal of 'Rising Republican Star'

The journalists on Good Morning America, Wednesday, again ignored the fact that San Diego's mayor, accused of sexually harassing 18 women, is a Democrat. Yet, on the very same program, reporter ...
Media Research Center

CNN's Cuomo Boosts Immigration Reformers, Demeans Opponents

On Wednesday's New Day, CNN's Chris Cuomo boosted immigration reform as a policy of "let's bring in our human potential" while marginalizing opponents as simply saying "let's find a way to get ...
Media Research Center

CNN Anchor Says Public 'Pretty Evenly Split' on ObamaCare; Polls Show Otherwise

CNN's Carol Costello said public opinion of ObamaCare is "pretty evenly split" despite recent polls showing a double-digit gap between support and opposition of the law, with more people ...
Media Research Center

MSNBC: Obama Having to 'Swat' GOP 'Gnats' That Are 'Swarming Around Him'

On Wednesday's MSNBC Andrea Mitchell Reports, fill-in co-host Kathleen Matthews, wife of Hardball host Chris Matthews, lamented Republicans distracting President Obama from pushing his liberal ...
Media Research Center

MSNBC, the Network With a 9/11 Truther Host, Smears Climate Skeptics as 'Truthers'

MSNBC, which is the home of 9/11 Truther Toure, on Wednesday smeared Republicans skeptical of climate change as "truthers." During a segment on the latest United Nations report on global warming, ...
Media Research Center

NBC 'Sounding the Alarm' on Climate Change: 'Industrialized World' Using More Than 'Fair Share' of Fossil Fuels

Hyping a story on global warming for Tuesday's NBC Nightly News, fill-in anchor Lester Holt proclaimed: "Sounding the alarm. A leaked report about the danger happening all around us tonight." ...
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