
Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.

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Media Research Center

ABC Gives New Unemployment Rate 18 Seconds, CBS Finds ‘Flourishing’ Employer, NBC: ‘Better Than Expected’

ABC, CBS and NBC did their part Friday night to minimize the negative impact to the Obama campaign from the rise in the unemployment rate from 7.8 to 7.9 percent in October. ABC anchor Diane ...
Media Research Center

Soledad O'Brien Finds the Positive In 14.6 Percent Underemployment

After the last jobs report before the election, CNN's Soledad O'Brien tried to be positive even with high underemployment and unemployment rates. On Friday's Starting Point, she ridiculously ...
Media Research Center

Fareed Zakaria Dismisses GOP Charges Against Obama On Libya as 'Highly Politicized'

New reports (and denials) that the CIA told its members in Benghazi to stand down during the embassy attacks are nothing but "an argument for ideologues" and no election game-changer, sounded ...
Media Research Center

In Wake of Sandy, NBC Reporter Blames Defense Spending for Lack of Infrastructure

Reporting for Thursday's NBC Rock Center, chief foreign affairs correspondent Richard Engel ranted over the lack of infrastructure spending to protect against Hurricane Sandy and tried to ...
Media Research Center

ABC News Targets Group Fighting Voter Fraud, Hints at Racial Motive

Nightline correspondent Dan Harris on Thursday profiled an organization fighting voter fraud, suggesting that the non-partisan group might have a racial motive for targeting certain ...
Media Research Center

Benghazi a Blip on Media's Radar - Less Than 2 Minutes of Coverage on ABC, CBS; NBC Punts

As the Big Three's evening newscasts ignored the latest in the controversy over the terrorist attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya for seven straight days, their morning shows ...
Media Research Center

ABC Again Predicts Doom for Romney: Race 'Breaking' for Obama

Good Morning America's Matt Dowd, who is often billed as a down-the-line analyst, again predicted doom for Mitt Romney, agreeing with George Stephanopoulos's question that the presidential race is ...
Media Research Center

NBC Touts Bloomberg Helping Obama, Wonders if Christie Hurting Romney

Appearing on Friday's NBC Today, special correspondent Tom Brokaw strained to explain why New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg endorsing President Obama would be helpful: "[It] may not move the ...
Media Research Center

Brian Williams Slams Limbaugh, and Michael Brown's 'Largest Domestic Human Rights Outrage of the Modern Era'

NBC anchor Brian Williams went deep into the floodwaters of bias at the end of Rock Center on Thursday night, ripping into Michael Brown and Rush Limbaugh about Hurricane Sandy and then ...
Media Research Center

CNN's Morgan Raises Bloomberg's Global Warming Concerns

On Thursday's Piers Morgan Tonight on CNN, host Morgan treated New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg's endorsement of President Barack Obama as a significant threat to Mitt Romney, and ended up ...
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