Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on MRC.org, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.
The CyberAlert e-mail, with more than 175,000 subscribers, delivers a compilation each weekday of the newest posts. Sign up here.
Today, the worst bias of 2010: Journalists attack the
Tea Party as Nazi “goons;” Arizona’s attempt to thwart illegal
immigration is likened to the Nazi occupation of Denmark; and Katie ...
Demonstrating that he would have made the same news judgments hostile to
Mitt Romney as those who succeeded him at ABC News, in an address
Thursday night to students at Quinnipiac University, ...
The worst bias of 2009: Journalists are thrilled
by Barack Obama’s arrival in the Oval Office, with ABC’s Terry Moran
suggesting he’s the “first President since George Washington to be ...
Repeating a common mythology that a person’s federal income tax rate
equals the effective tax rate they actually pay after deductions, ABC’s
Jonathan Karl on Friday night forwarded the ...
The worst bias of 2008: Keith Olbermann shrieks at
President Bush to “shut the hell up!” while his colleague Chris Matthews
gets a tingle over hearing Barack Obama: “I felt this thrill going ...
President Obama basically admitted failure when he said that Washington
cannot be changed "from the inside," but CNN tried to explain his gaffe
on Friday's Early Start while later dumping on ...
One might have thought that Charlie Rose received an extra dose of caffeine before Friday's CBS This Morning, as the normally-subdued anchor hounded Romney campaign adviser Dan Senor on how the ...
NBC failed to press Obama adviser David Axelrod over the President's
remarks about redistribution on Friday, chucking the story out of its
news cycle after two full days. In contrast, the ...
Of all people, former Clinton operative George Stephanopoulos was the
one throwing water on Piers Morgan's liberal spin. On Thursday's Piers Morgan Tonight, the host hyped that Mitt Romney's "47 ...
The three networks devoted less than seven minutes to a "blistering" new
report from the Justice Department on the Fast and Furious scandal. In
comparison, the same programs deluged the public ...