
Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.

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Media Research Center

CBS: WaPost's Coverage of Romney Bullying Allegation 'Seems Pretty Solid'

Thursday's CBS Evening News and Friday's CBS This Morning spotlighted the Washington Post's reporting on the accusation that Mitt Romney supposedly bullied a high school classmate almost 50 years ...
Media Research Center

NBC Cheers Obama 'Cashing In' On 'History' of Gay Marriage Announcement

Leading off Thursday's NBC Nightly News, anchor Brian Williams enthusiastically touted the President's fundraising efforts: "President Obama cashing in the day after his gay marriage ...
Media Research Center

CNN Continues Cheerleading for Obama and Gay Marriage; 10 Guests Support His New Position, 2 Oppose It

After President Obama publicly supported gay marriage on Wednesday, CNN continued its cheerleading well into Wednesday evening, including a happy interview of openly-gay congressman Barney ...
Media Research Center

Soledad O'Brien Grills, Interrupts, and 'Agrees to Disagree' With Tony Perkins on Gay Marriage

In a rather blatant show of a double standard on Thursday's Starting Point, CNN's Soledad O'Brien interrupted and grilled the Family Research Council's Tony Perkins over his opposition to ...
Media Research Center

Should Romney Issue Bigger Apology for 'Harrowing' Prep School Incident, Asks Soledad O'Brien

Contrary to the media's lack of coverage of President Obama's high school escapades, CNN's Soledad O'Brien promptly jumped on a "harrowing" Washington Post story featuring accusations of ...
Media Research Center

CNN Tries to Get Inside Romney's Head: 'The Bullies Never Recall What They Did'

Even though CNN's Suzanne Malveaux admitted she had no clue what Mitt Romney actually did in high school, she and a guest psychologist tried to speculate away on Friday afternoon's Newsroom. ...
Media Research Center

Tim Carney Slams 'Ridiculous' MSNBC Host Over 'Absurd' Attack on Mitt Romney

Conservative columnist Tim Carney appeared on MSNBC, Friday, to slam MSNBC's "ridiculous" coverage of Mitt Romney's supposed teenage bullying, berating the liberal network's "absurd ...
Media Research Center

NBC Reports Romney Bully Story Labeled 'Factually Incorrect' By Family of Alleged Victim

At the end of a full report on Friday's NBC Today, based on a Washington Post hit piece that accused Mitt Romney of bullying of a gay high school classmate, correspondent Peter Alexander ...
Media Research Center

ABC Breathlessly Hypes Romney's 'Troubling' 'Teenage Bullying'; Did He Go 'Too Far?'

ABC on Thursday and Friday breathlessly hyped the "troubling" details of Mitt Romney's "teenage bullying," events that ocurred 47 years ago. On Friday's Good Morning America, co-anchor George ...
Media Research Center

NBC's Williams: Defeat of 'Old-School Moderate' Lugar 'Ending the Era of Centrist Republicans'

Joining the rest of the media in mourning the primary defeat of Republican Indiana Senator Richard Lugar on Tuesday, on Wednesday's NBC Nightly News, anchor Brian Williams praised the ...
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