Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on MRC.org, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.
The CyberAlert e-mail, with more than 175,000 subscribers, delivers a compilation each weekday of the newest posts. Sign up here.
Keith Olbermann, ousted from MSNBC and even Al Gore’s Current TV, was
nevertheless invited to join the roundtable on Sunday’s ABC This Week,
where he spouted about how rising gas prices are ...
An unhinged Chris Matthews on Monday excoriated Republican primary
voters as racist, deriding them as the "Grand Wizard crowd." Former
Republican National Committee Chairman Michael ...
In commemoration of Earth Day on Sunday, CNN touted public figures
headlining an Earth Day rally in Washington, D.C., like the city's
Democratic Mayor Vincent Gray and the rock band Cheap ...
Even liberal journalist and Politico contributor Evan Thomas has finally figured out that socialism is an unsustainable system, as he boldly proclaimed on this weekend’s syndicated Inside ...
In a stunning admission to the New York Time's David Carr on Monday, NBC News president Steve Capus confessed that the network made a mistake in not issuing a correction on air for falsely editing ...
Six months ago, Pew's Project for Excellence in Journalism (PEJ) came out with a report
claiming that the GOP candidates received more positive press coverage
than President Obama. Monday ...
During a report for the April 18 edition of NBC's Rock Center, correspondent Ted Koppel was right at home with French socialist campaign workers: "...it is the Socialist campaign directed by these ...
ABC reporter and global warming enthusiast Bill Blakemore on Sunday
condescendingly dismissed climate change skeptics as "denialists." In a
piece on ABCNews.com, he called for yet more ...
The Media Research Center has just concluded an update of our “Media Bias 101”
Web package, with more than 40 articles detailing scholarly research of
the past 30 years showing the mostly ...
TV star Cybill Shepherd went on a radical feminist bender on Friday's CBS This Morning, touting that there really is a "war on women" manifested by the "attack on Planned Parenthood." Anchor Gayle ...