
Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.

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Matthews Joins Barbara Boxer in Dismissing Brooks Brothers Protestors

Chris Matthews, on Tuesday's, Hardball invited on California Senator Barbara Boxer to dismiss the increasing number of townhall protestors opposed to Obama's liberal agenda as the "angry, and ...

CBS Touts 'Cash for Clunkers' As 'Great for the Environment'

After depicting the 'Cash for Clunkers' car buying program as a "runaway success" on Friday, on Tuesday's Early Show, correspondent Nancy Cordes argued: "The Department of Transportation says the ...

Frank Rich Calls Out GOP for Racism, Dishonestly Links Sarah Palin to 'Birther' Brigade

Sarah Palin's a Birther? Frank Rich evidently wants us to think so: "Obama's election, far from alleviating paranoia in the white fringe, has only compounded it. There is no purer expression of ...

Flashback: 35% of Democrats Think Bush Knew of 9/11 Attacks in Advance

MSNBC hosts have been fixated over using "birthers" to discredit conservatives, highlighting a poll which found a majority of Republicans (58%) either believe Barack Obama wasn't born in the U.S. ...

Baskin Becomes 13th MSM Journalist to Spin Through Revolving Door for Obama

Roberta Baskin, a veteran of CBS News, ABC News, PBS and Washington, DC's ABC affiliate, with a stint at the Center for Public Integrity mixed in, "will join the Department of Health and Human ...

CBS Notices 'Voices of Protest' Against 'What They Call Government-Run Health Care'

Monday's CBS Evening News found time for a story on protesters, against liberal Democratic health plans, who confronted members of Congress at forums over the weekend, though reporter Wyatt ...

CNN's Sanchez Misrepresents John McCain's Words on Hispanic Outreach

CNN anchor Rick Sanchez misrepresented Senator John McCain's words from an interview with his colleague John King on Sunday about the GOP's outreach with Latinos. He described McCain as ...

Chris Matthews Show Panel Links Limbaugh, Malkin and GOP to Birthers

On the syndicated The Chris Matthews Show, over the weekend, Chris Matthews and his panel linked Rush Limbaugh and the GOP to the birthers movement and accused them of playing racial politics.

CBS Promotes Obama PR Video As Sign of 'Transparency'

At the top of Monday's CBS Early Show, co-host Harry Smith touted a White House-produced video: "And your letters to the President...A behind-the-scenes look at how President Obama keeps in touch ...

NBC, CBS Skip Study on Massive New Obama Spending

Of the three network morning shows, only ABC touted a new study by the Heritage Foundation that reported how the federal government's massive spending will average almost $34,000 per household in ...
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