
Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.

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Couric Pouts Over Gates Distraction: 'Just as He Was Pushing So Hard for Health Care Reform'

Katie Couric on Friday night trumpeted as "extraordinary" President Obama's appearance in the White House briefing room to address the "racial profiling" furor he inflamed - which CBS ran for a ...

Rush Limbaugh: 'The Press Has Met Their Waterloo and It's Obama'

Expounding on a formulation he's propounded this week on his radio show in pivoting off Senator Jim DeMint's prediction health care could become President Obama's "Waterloo," in an interview with ...

Nets Fail to ID Party of Pols Arrested in NJ; CNN Misleads Its Viewers

As usual, the network evening newscasts all failed to point out the party affiliation of the major New Jersey office-holders the FBI arrested Thursday for corruption. As AP pointed out, all but ...

Terry Moran's Big Scoop: Obama 'Prays All the Time'

Wrapping up a preview of his day with President Obama for Thursday's Nightline, ABC's Terry Moran informed World News anchor Charles Gibson: "I also took the opportunity at this juncture to ask ...

Stephanopoulos: ObamaCare 'Closer' After Presser; Gushes Obama 'Knows His Stuff'

Obama during Thursday's Good Morning America: "It's clear, listening to the President last night, that he knows his stuff. He knows health care policy." He also predicted that the passage of the ...

CBS's Smith to Daughter of Henry Gates: 'Was His Heart Broken?'

While interviewing the daughter of arrested Harvard Professor Henry Gates on Thursday's CBS Early Show, co-host Harry Smith wondered: "Is there something in this that says, 'I'm not going to take ...

NBC's Snyderman: 'I Was Rooting for the President to Hit a Home Run'

NBC's medical correspondent, Dr. Nancy Snyderman, was "rooting" for President Barack Obama to do well in selling his health care takeover during his Wednesday night press conference: "As an ...

NBC Wades Into 'Spreading Lies about President Obama's...U.S. Citizenship'

Daring to go where only cable has gone so far, Wednesday's NBC Nightly News waded into the rampant claims that President Barack Obama is somehow really not a U.S. citizen. Brian Williams didn't ...

CBS Early Show Uses Obama Volunteer to Promote Health Care Reform

While reporting on President Obama's efforts to pass health care reform legislation on Wednesday's CBS Early Show, co-host Maggie Rodriguez cited one person who would benefit from the plan: "Debby ...

CBS Devotes More Time to Those Opposing New Gun Rights Law Than Supporters

Tuesday's CBS Evening News tilted against a proposed new gun law that would strengthen the right of gun owners who hold a concealed weapon permit to carry a weapon across state lines into states ...
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