
Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.

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Media Research Center

CNN Gives 8 Times the Coverage to Beyonce's Lip Sync Than Obama's Falsehood

CNN gave over eight times more coverage to Beyonce lip synching the national anthem than it did to President Obama's falsehood on the sequester last Friday. After the President claimed in ...
Media Research Center

ABC Skimps on Filibuster Coverage, Offers Confusing Explanation of Rand Paul's Stand

ABC's World News on Wednesday and Good Morning America on Thursday offered confusing, incomplete and brief explanations for why Rand Paul filibustered John Brennan, Barack Obama's Central ...
Media Research Center

‘The Newsroom’ Actress Hits CNN Anchors for Being ‘Egotistical’ and ‘Self-Absorbed’

Actress Olivia Munn stars in HBO's drama The Newsroom, but she knocked the real-life CNN newsroom on Sunday. At a panel moderated by CNN host Piers Morgan, Munn made clear her distaste for ...
Media Research Center

Matthews Screams: Who Do Hate Groups Root For? They Must 'Love' Rand Paul and Ted Cruz!

At the same time that rising Republican Senate stars Rand Paul and Ted Cruz were making history with a filibuster, Chris Matthews, on Wednesday's Hardball, insisted Paul and Cruz must be heroes to ...
Media Research Center

NBC's Lauer to Jeb Bush: Can GOP 'Damage' With Hispanics 'Be Repaired by 2016?'

In an interview on Monday's Today with former Florida Governor Jeb Bush and his co-author Clint Bolick about their new book, Immigration Wars, co-host Matt Lauer seized Bush's critical words for ...
Media Research Center

ABC and NBC Tout ‘Larger Than Life’ Chavez Who ‘Never Backed Down from a Challenge’ on Wednesday greeted the death of Hugo Chavez by avoiding the word “socialist.” Instead, GMA's Brandi Hitt touted the repressive leader as someone who “appeared to never back ...
Media Research Center

NBC Panel Frets Over Health Care Costs to Treat Elderly Woman Denied CPR

During a panel discussion on Tuesday's NBC Today about an elderly woman being denied CPR at an assisted living facility and later dying, pundit Donny Deutsch immediately worried about the ...
Media Research Center

CNN Promotes Daryl Hannah's Global Warming Film by Former Eco-Terrorist Spokesman

On Tuesday's Starting Point, actress and environmental activist Daryl Hannah promoted her new documentary "Greedy, Lying Bastards" that hits the funding and supposed falsehoods behind global ...
Media Research Center

CNN Compares Vatican City 'Men's Club' to Saudi Arabia

CNN's report on the Vatican hierarchy might make one think it's a repressive male-dominated cabal that women are morally obligated to challenge. Correspondent Ben Wedeman stretched this ...
Media Research Center

Fmr Chavez Adviser Gushes to CNN of His 'Absolutely Extraordinary' Accomplishments

Twelve minutes after reporting the news of Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez's death, CNN hosted Chavez's close friend and former adviser who lavished praise on his legacy. For over two minutes, ...
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