
Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.

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ABC's GMA Skips Probe Into Edwards Campaign Cash to Mistress

Despite running two segments in the last week on Elizabeth Edwards and how she has coped with the extramarital affair of former Senator John Edwards, ABC's Good Morning America has yet to feature ...

The NYT Co.'s Hypocritical Hardball vs. Boston Globe Unions

The New York Times Co. is playing hardball with the Boston Globe, threatening to shut it down unless it got more cuts from the Globe's unions, without a trace of its flagship paper's vaunted ...

Glowing Dutch - NY Times Magazine Celebrates Euro-Socialism

Russell Shorto, a regular contributing writer for the New York Times Sunday magazine, offered a country-to-country comparison between the United States and Holland, where he's been living for the ...

ABC Labels Potential Activist Obama Court Pick a 'Centrist'

New video has surfaced of possible Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor remarking that the courts are the place "where policy is made." Sotomayor, who is a federal judge on the U.S. Court of ...

Williams Recommends Liberal Reading List on Souter and Successor

NBC anchor Brian Williams' Web surfing centers on liberal sites, as at least evidenced by the reading list he recommended in his Monday afternoon entry on The Daily Nightly blog consisting of four ...

CBS Uses Kids' Letters to Promote 'Hope' of Obama

At the end of Monday's CBS Evening News, correspondent Bill Whitaker gave a fawning report on a book being complied of children's letters to President Obama: "Eight-year-old Lucy O'Brien loves to ...

NBC's Mitchell Hails Hillary Clinton: 'Foreign Policy Superstar!'

In a piece that could've been crafted by Hillary Clinton's PR shop, NBC's Andrea Mitchell, on Monday's Today show, gushed on and on about the Secretary of State's new 'role of a lifetime,' as a 'a ...

'Trollish' Limbaugh, Cheney Gingrich Turn Off Families to GOP

Chris Matthews asked his panel of reporters, on this past weekend's syndicated The Chris Matthews Show, to offer their prescriptions on how the GOP, in the wake of the Arlen Specter departure, can ...
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