Touting new recommendations from an Institute of Medicine panel on
obesity on Tuesday's NBC Nightly News, science correspondent Robert
Bazell proclaimed to viewers: "...a sea change in how we ...
Mark Landler heaps praise on the First Lady, down-to-earth role model and politico extraordinaire: "The trip is a timely reminder of why the Obama campaign views her as such a potent weapon." She ...
As co-host Matt Lauer reported Denmark implementing a "fat tax" on certain foods during the "Today's Professionals" panel on Tuesday's NBC Today, advertising executive Donny Deutsch and NBC chief ...
On Tuesday's CBS Early Show, contributor Taryn Winter Brill touted a new University of Pennsylvania study on the influence of breakfast cereal cartoon characters on children: "Previous research ...
This is a news story? Reporter Andrew Martin: "As the nation's obesity crisis continues unabated...Many Americans eat too many calories every day, expanding their waistlines and imperiling their ...
Teasing an upcoming story on new federal dietary guidelines on Monday's CBS Evening News, fill-in anchor Harry Smith announced: "The assault on salt. Chances are you are eating too much of it." ...
On Tuesday's CBS Evening News, correspondent Michelle Miller lectured Americans on their diet: "According to Consumer Reports Health, many Americans are simply deluding themselves, most say they ...
In a report at the top of the 8AM ET hour of Tuesday's CBS Early Show, senior White House correspondent Bill Plante ridiculed Sarah Palin for daring to criticize First Lady Michelle Obama's weight ...