Media Reality Check

Occasional reports and mini-studies documenting distorted coverage and/or media omissions.

Relax, Elian Will Live Above Cuba's Poor

In A Public Relations Twist, Reporters Tout the Privileges of Communist Party's "Well-Off Stratum"

Leonardo: ABC's Liberal Laughingstock

25-Year-Old Movie Star/Teen Idol/Earth Day Activist Hired as White House Correspondent For a Day

Legacy Enhancers and Campaign Enablers

Missing E-Mails, Tax-Funded Campaign Planes, Lavish Lisbon Living, and Man-Handling Willey Ignored

Clinton: Other Nations Lucky to Lack NRA

While Networks Deplored NRA's "Personal" Attacks in 28 Stories, Only One Faced Clinton's Rhetoric

Media to LaPierre: Only Conservatism Kills

Same Outlets Shocked by NRA Leader's Clinton Quotes Routinely Let Liberals Find Malice on the Right

Big Three Black Out Anti-Gore Scoop

Internal Justice Department Memo by LaBella Hit the L.A. Times Friday, But ABC, CBS, NBC Spiked It

Bush Is "Far Right," McCain Wasn't "Left"

STUDY: TV Evening News Couldn't Find A Left Turn on the Republican Campaign Steering Wheel

McCain's "So-Called" Straight Talk Express

Media Favor McCain's Sloganeering Bus Title, But Dan Rather Chokes on "Christian Coalition"

Al Gore Benefits from the McCain Frenzy

Media Suggest Bush's S.C. Victory Tilts Him to the Far Right, But Ignore Gore's Attention from Far Left

What Conservative Anti-McCain Ads?

Media Outlets Ignore Ads Which Underline McCain's Support for Tobacco Tax, Attacks on Pro-Lifers
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