
CNN Team Shocked, Appalled that Bush Would Veto Anything about the Children

CNN political analyst gives emotional opinions, omits White House position that $35-billion spending increase 'goes too far toward federalizing health care.'

Media Bash Mattel for Chinese Production but Ignore Consumer Benefits

Cost of manufacturing goods in the United States would affect prices and availability of many products.

"Are You For or Against Children?"

Robert Pear thinks the GOP should just give up on stopping the expansion of a federal health care program for children.

Harry Potter: The Issue is Parental Responsibility

Moms and dads must teach children to discern the good and the bad messages in the books and movies.

Hillary vs. Hollywood

ABC Blames Society for Lack of Children's Health Insurance

Reporter uses Clinton allies and personal tragedies in one-sided report favoring universal care.

CBS: Parents Need Government Help to Raise Kids

Couric showcases expert who claims parents can't overcome advertising industry influence on children without assistance.

Sowing Front-Page Suspicions of Big Pharma

Is the drug industry the Times' next target? Front-page stories on consecutive days suggest so.

CNN's Attack of the 'Killer Stoves'

'American Morning' reporter tries to light a fire for more regulation.

CBS Showcases Activists Who Want to 'Protect' Kids from TV Ads

Report features usual liberal suspects, leaves out parental responsibility and fails to include food industry.
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