12/5/2014 4:07 PM ET
President’s first date recaptured.
7/29/2014 8:20 AM ET
Top 10 ways movies, TV treat virginity as feature of a bizarre
6/6/2014 9:00 AM ET
Feminist film critics can finally rejoice, their dream has arrived: an "abortion comedy."
4/26/2014 9:01 AM ET
There is always an audience for faith-friendly films. When will Hollywood catch on?
1/22/2014 12:42 AM ET
"Gimme Shelter" is a new movie that departs from the feminist pack mentality of Hollywood, highlighting how shelters for unwed mothers save lives.
1/14/2014 11:38 AM ET
Author examines Christian downfall in films.
11/16/2013 9:37 AM ET
A New York City theater ignores the NC-17 rating for a lesbian-porn "art" movie, but lesbians want a feminist movie rating system instead.
9/12/2013 3:02 PM ET
Newly released Sundance film celebrates the ‘inspiring’ legacy of the anti-capitalist movement.
6/1/2013 9:06 AM ET
At film festivals, artistic judgments about cinematic
achievements are strongly seasoned by the secular-left politics of
moviemakers and their constant desire to “push the envelope."
5/29/2013 3:07 PM ET
Director dismisses criticism saying: ‘sweet’ of people ‘to think that people holding corporations accountable is evil.’