ABC Shock: Diane Keaton Drops F-Bomb on Good Morning America
[Warning: video contains profanity.] Actress Diane Keaton appeared live on Tuesday's Good Morning America and dropped the F-bomb while attempting to compliment GMA co-host Diane Sawyer's looks. After gushing over how much better her life would be with “those lips,” the movie star blurted, “I'd like to have lips like that. Then I wouldn't have worked on my f------ personality or my -- excuse me. My personality.”
Sawyer, who had been attempting to get the actress to talk about Mad Money, Keaton's new film, appeared momentarily shocked and then started laughing. She retorted, “My mother is going to work on your personality with soap in your mouth, is what she's going to do.”
Both the guest and host seemed to find the expletive humorous. However, there is a serious side. The exchange occurred early in the morning on network television. This is certainly a time when parents could have the television on while preparing their children for school. And while Sawyer closed the interview by saying, “This is Diane Keaton who will be answering to the censors,” one could say the same thing of ABC. Why, exactly, was the network not operating on a delay? And why did they not catch the profanity?
MRC President Brent Bozell has previously addressed network responsibility for celebrities who swear on air and the stations' unwillingness to take strong action.
A transcript of the exchange, which occurred at 8:20am on January 15, follows: