After Snarling at Business Fliers as 'People With Money,' NYT Releases Special Business Travel Section

The New York Times devoted a special section Wednesday to Business Travel, with sympathetic articles like "Dispatches From the Foxholes of Business Travel" and "Frustrated Air Travelers, the T.S.A. Chief Shares Your Pain."

Do the travelers the Times is catering to know that the paper's editors think they are nothing but over-privileged "people with money"? In two recent editorials on the sequester, the paper condemned Congress for its "gift to travelers" in stopping the Federal Aviation Administration's politically motivated flight delays, giving the agency flexibility in administering the budget cuts mandated by sequestration. From its April 27 editorial:

Catering to the needs of people with money, such as business travelers, is the kind of thing the country has come to expect in recent years from Congressional Republicans. But Democrats share full responsibility for this moment of cowardice. The Senate version of the bill passed by unanimous consent. That means not a single Democrat opposed bailing out travelers while poor kids are getting kicked out of Head Start or nutrition programs