Nancy Cordes heralded the proposed budget deal from Rep. Paul Ryan and Senator Patty Murray as a "true compromise" on Wednesday's CBS This Morning, and asserted that "the reason it's so important ...
Three times on Tuesday morning, CNN mentioned sequester cuts as a
possible culprit behind the security breach at the Navy Yard that led to
Monday's shooting there. A CNN headline actually read ...
New York Times reporter Jonathan Weisman tries his hand at rhyme to build sympathy for sequestration victms in a front-page story. "....many recipients of federal money have replaced prayers of ...
The New York Times devoted a special section to business travel, with sympathetic articles like "Dispatches From the
Foxholes of Business Travel." But do the travelers the Times is
catering to ...
Times reporter Jonathan Weisman is bitter over a Republican sequester victory that will end flight delays caused by FAA furloughs: "The action also brought charges that lawmakers known for ...
All three networks on Wednesday and Thursday parroted the exact same
talking points from the White House, touting Barack Obama for expressing
"solidarity" with struggling workers by taking a ...
The original online headline to a budget legislation story likely captured what reporters Jonathan Weisman and Annie Lowrey wanted to say: "Plan
That Would Spare Vital Programs Is Expected to ...
Times columnist Paul Krugman bashed the GOP as radical
on fellow lefty Tavis Smiley's PBS talk show, bashing Republicans while complaining the American people have not yet become
"sufficiently ...
Fear the fizzled sequester, Nelson Schwartz and Binyamin Appelbaum warn in the lead slot of the Times: "The economy picked up speed in
February, creating jobs at a pace that would substantially ...
The perils and victims of the round of the mandatory federal spending cuts known as sequestration led the New York Times'
weekend coverage, with the 2.4% cut in annual federal spending labeled ...