
CNBC Touts Gay Marriage as California's Economic Savior

'Squawk on the Street' segment praises court decision for potential of miniscule financial impact on ailing state.

Lack of New Drilling Blamed on Oil Companies

Maryland congressman tells CNN off-limits oil areas shouldn't be opened to exploration because other lands where oil can't be recovered 'are sitting idle.'

USA Today Cover Story Down on Drilling, Up on Alternative Fuels to Ease Gas Prices

Sidebars on solutions to high gas prices paint rosy picture for unproven gasoline substitutes and make drilling not seem worthwhile.

'Early Show' Tells Us How to Live 'the Right Way in the 21st Century'

Show highlights green living, promoting Planet Green documentary.

NBC's Gregory: Knowledge of Journalist Votes Would Compromise Reporting

White House correspondent says media expansion, including talk radio, has had a 'corrosive' effect on political discourse.

Oil Expert: Dem House Leader Misleads CNBC on Oil Lease Drilling

Hoyer tells 'Squawk Box' oil companies aren't drilling in 80 percent of leased areas, but fails to explain there's no production in those areas.

Dobbs on ABC: With Bid for Anheuser-Busch, 'America for Sale'

'Good Morning America' slants business buyout story into national security scare.

ABC Web Site Compares Current Day to Fall of Rome 'If We Don't Save Our Troubled Planet'

Network's 'Earth 2100' program warns about collapse of civilization, asks 'Are we next?'

'Evening News' Blames Corn Prices on Floods, not Ethanol

CBS segment reports government estimates for this year's corn crop will be 10 percent lower than last year, but fails to mention effects of fuel subsidies on prices.

Boxer Indifferent to Effect of Higher Oil/Gas Taxes

Liberal Senator tells MSNBC 'tax-breaks, no tax-breaks, we've got to get off this addiction and when we do, we'll be free of them.'
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