
NBC Historian: 28 Degrees, So It Must Be 'Global Warming'

Michael Beschloss ignores frigid temps, claims warming could be responsible for lack of snow.

Obama 'Openness' Announcement Greeted with Cheers in CNBC Studio Says Anchor

'Power Lunch' host Michelle Caruso-Cabrera credits Obama with 'political brilliance' for announcing his administration's openness with the press.

Krugman's Obama Would be Like 'Franklin Delano'

Nobel Prize winning economist has devoted over half his post-election columns to urging Obama to act like FDR, or promoting New Deal-style stimulus.

CNBC's Quintanilla on the Inaugural Stock Drop: 'This Was Brutal Even by Those Standards'

'Squawk Box' co-host notes the Obama stock market swan dive and declares if economy doesn't respond to Obama stimulus, it's a depression.

Nationalize Banks? One Investor Says So Be It.

On Fox Business Network, portfolio manager says Obama should nationalize if that's what it takes.

Huckabee Blasts 'Spineless' Congressional GOP about Stimulus

Former governor tells Fox's Cavuto most Republicans abandoned fiscal restraint, aren't asking tough questions about proposal.

Spike Lee: Hand of God Caused Economic Crisis to Get Obama Elected

Controversial filmmaker calls economic collapse that damaged McCain's bid for the presidency 'ordained.'

Gore, Other Apple Directors Face Possible Suit over CEO Jobs' Health

Experts and media pundits say company's board failed to disclose medical condition, neglecting fiduciary duty.

Not Green: Obama Inauguration Will Generate More than Half-Billion Pounds of CO2

Study that includes planes, trains, automobiles and even horses shows it would take an average American house 57,598 years to produce same carbon footprint.

Dobbs vs. Kudlow: CNN Host Trashes Rival's Presence at Obama Dinner

'Lou Dobbs Tonight' host bases criticism on old quotes; Dem. Strategist says Kudlow only belonged as the hired help.
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