
Senator Warns White House Will 'Create Crisis' and 'Panic' to Push Stimulus

Sen. Jim DeMint, R-S.C., criticizes mainstream media for not reporting loads of pork in proposed legislation.

Congresswoman Claims to Have Asked Gore About Global Warming on 19-Degree Inauguration Day

Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., warns about forthcoming cap-and-trade legislation and says earth is entering into a long-term global cooling stage.

FNC: Stimulus Plan is Keynesian 'Hogwash'

'Bulls & Bears' analysts say Keynesian economics failed to stimulate economy in past recessions.

Washington Post Applauds Obama's 'First Actions' on Environment

Report quotes liberal, environmental groups, ignores costs, consequences.

Neil Young's Electric Car Songs Make Some Regret That 'Rust Never Sleeps'

Erratic artist about to test fan loyalty with album about eco-cars.

CNN: Ladies Nag Obama about Lack of Women's Jobs

Kyra Phillips of 'Newsroom' and Christine Romans discuss 'discouraging' lack of women in Obama's cabinet, job package that 'favors' men.

Debunking Stimulus Myth: Only 3% Allotted for Road, Bridge Infrastructure Spending

Despite media rhetoric after Minnesota bridge collapse, Democrats commit money to other projects.

Cramer on Geithner's Tax Troubles: 'If it was Cramer, I Would Be Prosecuted'

CNBC's 'Mad Money' host said Obama's Treasury pick would be a 'disaster' and notes the 'free pass' he has been given by Wall Street.

NY Times Columnist Says Saving Banks Will Take another Trillion

Sorkin Tells 'Good Morning America' financials need fixing 'all over again.'
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