
CNBC's Cramer Rips 'Greedy' Government for Playing the Market

'Mad Money' host shows another example where government doesn't know best in the private sector.

To the Networks, Tiger Woods Gossip 15 Times More Newsworthy Than ClimateGate

Morning and evening shows air 62 stories on golfer's accident and infidelity, four on leaked e-mails from climate alarmists.

NYT's Friedman on Climategate: Global Warming Action Necessary, No Matter Risk or Cost

Columnist likens anthropogenic global warming threat to smoking and suggests even if the risk is just '10 percent' it still merits action.

ClimateGate Shows Attempted 'Manipulation' of Peer Review Process

Journalists bolstered warming 'consensus' with peer review stamp, but e-mails suggest alarmists tried to prevent review of skeptics' work.

ClimateGate Held Hostage: Day 13

Evening news shows on NBC, CBS and ABC continue to give leaked e-mails between global warming alarmists the silent treatment.

Schultz Uses Questionable Foreclosure Data to Blast Bachmann Voting Record

MSNBC host relies on Minnesota-specific data to blast congresswoman's voting record on quasi-housing related legislation.

12 Days, 3 Networks and No Mention of ClimateGate Scandal

Even as Copenhagen looms, broadcast news ignores e-mails suggesting warming alarmists 'manipulated' data, conspired to destroy information and thwarted peer reviews.

White House Plays Media Critic, Part II: VP's Economist Attacks Wall Street Journal

Bernstein cries foul over WSJ's editorial page, despite the $787-billion stimulus' failure to keep unemployment under 10 percent.

Imus: Obama is 'Jimmy Carter Stupid' Regarding Wall Street and Economy

Nationally syndicated radio and Fox Business morning show host blasts administrations economic policy advisers.
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