
Olbermann Complains Media Focused on Beck Instead of His Astroturf Health Care Clinic

MSNBC host attacks 'Time magazine, the Politico, The New York Times and everybody else in the mainstream' for covering Fox News host's new 'plan.'

Senator Calls for Investigation into Leaked E-mails Revealing Collusion Among Scientists

Inhofe tells Washington Times Radio if nothing happens after the Thanksgiving recess, 'I will call for an investigation because this thing is serious.'

'60 Minutes' Segment Explores the Ideas of Rationing, 'Pulling the Plug on Grandma'

'Cost of Death' segment tackles hard questions, ignores how government caused current problems.

CNBC's Santelli Rebuts Lou Dobbs' Populism

Former CNN host Lou Dobbs appears on long-time rival Kudlow's show to make case that government policy is needed to improve middle class standard of living.

GMA Over-indulges on CSPI Food Attacks

On the morning show for third time in two months, lefty food haters recycle popcorn study.

NY Times Pushes Anti-Chamber Storyline for Resisting Climate Alarmism

Article trots out left-wing critics of organization president's opposition to 'impose a mandatory cap on greenhouse gas emissions.'

Networks Ignore Alliances, Thuggery and Lobbying of SEIU

Despite close ties to President Obama, ABC, CBS, NBC almost never mention service employees union.

Huckabee: Obama's Redistribution Extends to Health Care, Foreign Policy

FNC host and former Arkansas governor says president's policies well-intentioned, but gone about 'in the worst possible way if they're really serious about recovery.'

Double Whammy: MSNBC's 'Green Week' Coverage Attacks Bottled Water and BPA

NBC environmental correspondent Anne Thompson and MSNBC host Contessa Brewer slam water containers in one-sided report.

NBC Begins 'Green Week' With Energy Double Standard

Anne Thompson advocates bringing rivers back to 'natural state,' ironically favors coal power in dam tear-down story.
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