
Media Research Center

Remember, ‘Weather isn’t Climate’ Unless it Proves Warming

Extreme weather tells us nothing about climate change, unless the media says so.
Media Research Center

Economy Would Have Been Worse Without Obama, Networks Conclude

In 2009 alone, networks say 9-to-1 that economy was better because of president.
Media Research Center

Krugman: ‘GOP Policies Much More Likely to Make Us End up like Greece’

Left-wing economist claims a Romney presidency would cause a double-dip recession.  
Media Research Center

The Real Bailout: GM’s Alive, But Many Small Businesses Aren’t

Vice President Tamara Darvish writes ‘Outraged’ and speaks out
Media Research Center

Journalist Union Pushes ‘Social Justice Journalism’ to College Students

Program pushes labor unions and strikes, and prepares a new generation of reporter activists.  
Media Research Center

Moyers & Company Attacks Conservative Organization, Promotes Liberal Group

Moyers substitute gives Color of Change tax-payer funded platform to bash ALEC
Media Research Center

Media Still in Love with War on Soda

Lefty group CPSI launches new ad campaign parodying Coke bears just before CDC shows sugary soda use declines.
Media Research Center

Time Magazine Offers List to Fight Global Warming, Including Contradictory Solutions

 Move closer to your job, live in a tiny home with a clothesline and telecommute more. 
Media Research Center

‘Atlas Shrugged 2’ Gives Media Another Chance to Demonize Rand

Critics can’t pass up another opportunity to hate on conservatives.
Media Research Center

Moyers Documentary Slams Conservatives, Pushes Soros-Funded group

30-minuted program urges businesses to drop ALEC, fund liberal organization.
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