CNN Profiles Soros Positively

No mention of Soros funding the left $550 million.

On Friday, CNN profiled liberal billionaire George Soros for their “Fast Facts,” calling him “one of the most successful investment financiers in the world” and an “active philanthropist.” The segment failed fail to note his massive contributions to lefty politics, or his calls for an “open society” that sound Orwellian at best.

The CNN profile highlighted key moments from Soros’s life, including his birth, immigration to the U.S. from Hungary, and major financial milestones in his road to becoming one of the wealthiest men on the planet. The only political donation that CNN mentioned at all was $1 million that Soros gave to promote marijuana legalization in California and Arizona.

That didn’t even hint at his vast political influence – even just promoting marijuana legalization. As of 2011, Soros gave more than $31 million to the Drug Policy Alliance.

The media have repeatedly failed to note that Soros outspent the Kochs in individual-funded political-oriented charity. Soros’s Open Society Foundations have donated over $550 million to liberal causes in the United States since 2000.

Soros’s Open Society Fund was created in 1979 as a charitable lead trust. Even its creator admitted his motives were “basically selfish” and he wanted a “tax gimmick.” He did it as a “trust for his children.”

A Special Report from the Business and Media Institute showed how Soros has propped up liberal politicians for years in the United States, with more than $4 million in direct funding from him and his family. Well known for funneling millions of dollars to liberal groups in their attempt to destroy President George W. Bush in 2004, Soros has continued to give money to promote causes and politicians on the left.

Soros has promoted his idea of an “open society,” although even he admits that it won’t end well.

Soros said: ”in an open society none of the existing ties are final, and people's relation to nation, family, and their fellows depends entirely on their own decisions. Looking at the reverse side of the coin, this means that the permanence of social relationships has disappeared; the organic structure of society has disintegrated to the point where its atoms, the individuals, float around without hindrance.”

And from there, the description got worse. “Choices arise which would not even have been imagined in an earlier age. Euthanasia, genetic engineering, brainwashing become problems of practical importance. The most complex human functions, such as thinking, may be broken down into their elements and artificially reproduced. Everything appears possible until it has been proven to be impossible.”