
Media Research Center

‘Do They Know It’s Christmastime?’ ACLU Stops School from Feeding African Orphans

Anti-Christian totalitarianism reaches absurd level.
Media Research Center

CNN Profiles Soros Positively

No mention of Soros funding the left $550 million.
Media Research Center

Kanye West: ‘Mitt Romney Don’t Pay No Tax’

Song on new album ‘Cruel Summer’ repeats 'totally unsubstantiated rumor.' 

America the Generous? Not According to the Media

Report highlights generosity of Americans, while media portray America as a nation of Scrooges.

George Soros: Media Mogul

Lefty Businessman Spends Millions Funding Journalism

CBS Cites Left-Wing Advocate of Infanticide to Encourage Charitable Giving

In a story on American charitable giving on CBS's Sunday Morning, correspondent Mark Strassmann cited liberal Princeton University bio-ethics professor Peter Singer on how much people should give: ...

Companies Donate $83 Million to Haiti, Get Less Than Three Minutes of Coverage

ABC, CBS and NBC briefly mention corporate donations in wall-to-wall Haiti reporting.

CNN Highlights Corporate Haitian Relief Efforts

Stephanie Elam names a dozen companies giving millions in funds, goods or services to disaster relief.

Conflict of Interest? Intel Gives $250 Million Obama Charity in Midst of FTC Suit

Media once eager to criticize Bush administration's ties to private companies give Obama a pass.

Networks Promote Season of Giving

Broadcast networks encourage charity during November.
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